
Determine the type of transition you are defining

  • With dynamic transitions, you know what effects you want to play, but not which targets they will play on.
  • With explicit transitions, you know exactly what happens to each individual target.

Complex transitions may consists of both dynamic and explicit elements


Tips for dynamic transitions:

  • List all possible targets in the parens composite effect
  • By default, all effects play on all specified targets. Use filter with dynamic transitions to limit the target set
  • Dynamic transitions can ve used with a wide variety of stage changes


Tips for explicit transitions

  • Specify targets on the child effects, or on a composite effect when all child effects of the composite effect have the same targets
  • By default, all effects play on all specified targets. For explicit transitions, make sure the targets are correctly set.
  • Explicit transitions typically require a different transition for each change to the view state



TroubleShooting a transition effect that does not play

  • Is the effect target being hidden or removed? If so, make sure add an <mx:RemoveChild>property to the view state definition, or an <mx:SetPropertyAction name="visible"> tag in the transition definition
  • Does the change to the view state define settings that pertain to the transition effect? - pertain - 속하다

    For example, if you have a Resize Effect, you must change the width or height property of the target when the view state changes to trigger the effect

  • Check that you specified the correct targets to the transition
  • Check that your filter settings on the effect and on any parent effect are not excluding the target


Troubleshooting an effect playing on too manu targets

  • Add a filter for a dynamic transition, or change the targets for an explicit transiton

Troubleshooting wrong effect parameters

  • Did you specify explicit parameters on the effect? Are They correct?
  • Ensure that you correctly set the showTarget property for mask effects such as the Iris effect, and the wipe effects
  • Is the effect target being hidden or removed? If, so make sure you add an <mx:RemoveChild> property to the view state definition to remove the target, or an <mx:SetPropertyACtion name="visible"> tag in the transition definition to hide the target

    Troublsshooting when an application does not look correct after a transition

  • Some effects leave the target witth changed properties. For example, a Fade effect leaves the alpha property of the target at the alphaTo value specified to the effect If you use the Fade effect on a target that sets alpha property to zero, you must set the alpha property to a nonzero value before the object appears again.
  • Try removing one effect at a time from the transition until it no longer leaves your application with the incorrect appearance




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by 무위자연 2008. 3. 14. 16:56